About this site

Our dream: Empowering Africans by connecting them online to do better business. ...

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Gbemisola Ero-Phillips | Head of Content | 4.5 yrs

Nigeria, Staff

When I joined Jumia in 2012, my parents thought that I was crazy to leave the “security” of my previous employer for a place they had barely heard of. However, I convinced them that the rent on my apartment wouldn’t elapse for another year so no matter what happened, I wouldn’t be homeless. Five years later, I’m proud to announce that I am still not homeless!
My motto at Jumia has been: “adapt”. Things happen very quickly around here and the only way to adapt is to be on top of your game, understand these changes, and adjust your sails so you’re headed in the same direction as the company.
I’ve also learned that no matter what, hard work and diligence still pay off. Even if it seems that your hard work is not recognized, do it anyway because trust me, somebody somewhere is noticing.
I’m still learning. Every commercial sales event still scares the heck out of me, but the confidence I have from working with my team keeps me going.
